Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Use Prayer

We are familiar with praying
praying can come in different formats
and it can be used for different reasons
and we can have it directed at different people and situations
my intention is to remind you to use prayer daily

Prayer can be used to:
- help one to ground and stay calm
- help one to center their self
- help you to get to the truth of a situation
- help you to bless your self and others
- help you to stay in faith
- send light and love to those who need it

Daily prayer is really important in our present day culture
there are so many distractions, sounds, people, opinions, and concerns
prayer will help you to bring more clarity to your life

Make Time to Pray Daily For:
1. yourself
2. your family and friends
3. your job, co-workers, neighbors
4. your community
5. your country
6. humanity
7. the earth mother

It may seem that it is not neccessary or that it is too much
but we live in a spiritual universe and everything is comprised of energy
when you pray for someone or a situation
you send light and love to it and that adds more value to that thing

This is One Way Praying
1. begin by stating the power you honor (Universe, Goddess, God, Allah, etc.)

2. state that there is only goodness and divine qualities in the universe (i.e. I know there is only truth, love, peace, harmony, and abundance.)

3. state and declare it that You (or the person or thing you are praying for) is one the divine (i.e. I know that Billy is one with the great power and divine source)

4. state clearly the thing you desire and be detailed and clear (i.e.more money, peace, safety, higher self-esteem, etc)

5. say thank you (i.e. Thank you Great Mother for my new home)

6. affirm that the prayer has been fulfilled (i.e. I know this prayer is done, well and now, perfectly and completely)

7. release and closing (ie.e I release and let go. In accordance with my highest and greatest good. Let it be so or And so it is)

Use prayer daily and bless those all around you
our world and humanity needs it
and it does make a huge difference

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